Archive for Fence Installation

Hiring A Contractor To Install Your Vinyl Fence?

With so many do-it-yourself books on the market and DIY websites, there are many people today who can successfully install their own vinyl fence. Installing a vinyl fence is a lot like laying lay and snap flooring. Once you get the hang of it, it is a breeze!

The hardest part of installing a vinyl fence will come with digging the holes for the post and mixing the concrete properly. If you decide after reading the literature available to you that you are not comfortable installing your own vinyl fence, we have listed some contractor sites here:

It is important to ask your contractor what their experience is with vinyl fencing. How much experience do they have with installing vinyl fencing on your type of terrain? Terrain is the most important thing when installing a vinyl fence. Will it be installed on concrete, grass, sand or dirt? Is the terrain flat or sloped? Are they familiar with the installation of vinyl fences on your terrain type? Do they have a portfolio of their work with vinyl fencing? While vinyl fencing is rather straightforward, you still want to be sure that the contractor knows what they are doing. A license number should always be checked, contractors today must have a valid license number to be listed on most of the contractor websites.

If a contractor is a bit more expensive, but they have a nice portfolio, you may save money in the long run by going with them so they get the vinyl fence installed properly the first time around.

If you do choose to install a vinyl fence yourself, just remember it is all about paying attention. Measure twice and cut once is a good rule to go by before making any non-reversible moves.

We always appreciate your feedback on your vinyl fence installation experience!

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Tips For Your Vinyl Fence Installation

You have decided on a style and color for your vinyl fence, placed your
order and the vinyl fence has just arrived… now what?

If you have a little bit of know how, you can install the vinyl fence yourself
with some pointers and our installation guides! One important question is,
what type of terrain are you installing your vinyl fence on?

Installing a Vinyl Fence on Sloped Terrain
When working on a sloped terrain, there are 2 different methods of
installation to choose from.

(1) The Stepping method, this allows the rails of the vinyl fence to remain
horizontal, the posts are extended to accommodate the terrain.

(2) The Racking method, this allows the top of the rails to slant and follow
the pattern of the terrain, some vinyl fence styles will naturally rack up to 10

For a full guide to vinyl fence terrain installation methods, please click here.

Installing a Vinyl Fence in cement

When installing your vinyl fence into concrete you will need to drill into the
concrete and have some wet cement on hand to pour into the post. If you get
concrete on your vinyl fence, wet concrete is easily washed off. Don’t
worry, it can also be removed when dry if you don’t happen to catch it at
first! You can find full details on installing vinyl fencing into cement terrain

Remember the most important rule when dealing with any type of
construction – Measure twice, cut once!

-Jim Sweet

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What Type of Fence do You Need?

PVC Vs. Wood Fencing. Which is More Effective??

I’ve had it with my wood fence! Painting it is a huge investment of time. Besides, the paint only seems to last a few years or so. Sound familiar? The chart below is just a preview of the cost of materials. It does not include your time. With vinyl fence products, not only do you save on the cost of materials over time, you also save a great amount of time – time that can be spent doing those things that you enjoy.

Quality of Vinyl Fence Graph

Homeowners’ associations are quickly discovering the benefits of investing in vinyl fencing. The proven reliability and lasting performance of a quality vinyl fence makes it the superior choice for the long-term needs of your community.

• Vinyl fencing saves you money by eliminating your association’s fence repair / replacement budget
• Vinyl Fencing adds lasting beauty and privacy to your entire community and individual homes
• Vinyl Fencing provides a safe and secure barrier for pools, spas and restricted areas

How strong is a vinyl fence?

It has five times the tensile strength of wood and four times the flexibility. It flexes under load making it strong enough to safely hold cattle and horses. Our manufacturers use impact modifiers to make our fence strong and forgiving for horses and riders as well as other farm animals.

How does vinyl fencing compare to wood?

It is stronger, lasts much longer, safer, looks better, and costs much less over time. It can cost the same as or more than wood initially depending local wood prices, type of wood and style of fence or deck but over its life it is about one third of the cost.

Is Vinyl Installation Similar to Wood?

Installation of a vinyl fence is similar to wood. The vinyl fence posts go in the ground 30 inches and are set in concrete. The major difference is that some of the styles use concrete and re-bar inside the posts for additional strength. Galvanized steel inserts are also used in some styles for structural support. The most popular applications with HOAs are privacy fencing, decking, railing and patio covers. Vinyl isn’t affected by sprinklers or swimming pool chemicals so swimming pool fencing is also quite popular.

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